About The Heard Scout Pueblo

1925 Dedication of Heard Scout Pueblo
with Mrs. Florena Barttell and George Phillip, Chairman

The Heard Scout Pueblo is located near 20th Street and Baseline Road in Phoenix, Arizona.The Heard Scout Pueblo hosts the Grand Canyon Council Cub Scout Day Camp every summer, and offers camping opportunities for Cub Scout Packs and Boy Scout Troops.

1968 original artist’s conception of the Wipala Wiki Kiva

In 1968 Members of the Lodge Executive Committee, meeting prior to our spring lodge meeting, approved plans for the construction of the Wipala Wiki Kiva to be built at the Pueblo. Shown above is the Original Artist’s Conception of the way it will appear. During preliminary discussions, it was pointed out, that to conform to the city building code, the Kiva must have two exits. Due to this requirement, a small door was placed on the South side of the Kiva. The shape of the Kiva was also changed to an Octagonal Shape rather than the Original Round Design.

A tentative construction budget of $600 was approved and during the discussion which followed, it was also, noted that many of the materials had already been donated. Arrowmen and Advisers are asked to look for and keep as many Dead Saguaro ribs as possible to use for the roofing material. No date was set for construction, but it was hoped to begin soon. When completed, the Kiva will have white plaster walls and a 8’ X12’ Altar which will have a marble Antelope Mosaic for decorative purposes. There will also be spotlights and room lights which will add a modern touch to the edifice. The Lodges’ 11 Kachinas, 1 Lodge Kachina and 10 Chapter Kachinas, will be painted on the inside walls of the Kiva.


The Heard Scout Pueblo is located in Phoenix, and the adventure begins at the entry. Reflecting the old Southwest atmosphere of the area and the camp itself, the adobe style architecture of the entry way is echoed throughout the camp. The Heard Scout Pueblo is nestled at the base of South Mountain, with 120 acres including trails back into the mountain.The Heard Scout Pueblo is home to the council’s Day Camp, summer and winter. Cub Scouts have the opportunity to experience the true Scout camp.

Along with the extensive Day camp program, the Heard Scout Pueblo is also convenient location to support the council Scoutreach program. A place for numerous, underprivileged youth to enjoy a camping experience they would not normally be able to achieve.

Grand Canyon Council

Council Office: 602-955-7747

The Heard Scout Pueblo

1901 E Dobbins Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85042